
Retreating...but not towards the plethora of crap available

This weekend marked the return of associates to our law firm retreat.  For the uninitiated, this is a booze-filled, bad food extravaganza.  Our firm actually has a cocktail hour featuring (and I quote) "light hors d'ouevres and heavy alcohol."   Needless to say, said alcohol was accompanied by trays of no good processed crap.  Instead of capitulating and having 6 martinis topped off with a pound of goldfish crackers (as I did at our last retreat), I stuck with sparkling water with lime.  I even stuck a red cocktail straw in it so people would think I was drinking.  At dinner, I skipped the masked potatoes accompanying my steak and the bread basket.  I also fished the croutons and cheese out of my french onion soup.  for my last trick, I skipped the giant slab of carrot cake for dessert.
As if avoiding crap all night Friday and all day Saturday wasn't hard enough, we had a birthday dinner for my mother in law at Miller Union.  I did not eat the bread and I did not indulge in the butterscotch ice cream with homemade marshmallows (yummmmm).  I did, hoeever, consume all the delicious greenery and pork products in the picture accompanying this post. 
Avoiding temptation was TASTY.

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