
blue willow inn

had birthday lunch for mom at blue willow inn :(

out of 30+ items, only 3 were paleo friendy :(. but i stayed strong. i avoided the peach cobbler, chocolate cake, ice cream, chocolate pie, coconut cake, macaroni n cheese, pasta dishes, cornbread, biscuits ( i repeat...... BISCUITS!!!!..... BISCUITS DAMMIT!!!!!!), candied yams, blondies, pecan pie, mash potatoes, lemonade, sweet tea, corn ....... all was this was laid out in an all you can eat buffet.

i think i deserve a medal


  1. Agreed. YOU WIN. Any one of those items alone is enough to test the will, but all of them laid out together for the taking?! Charles Clark, you are the first official recipient of the What We Didn't Eat Medal of Honor in recognition of extreme Strength of Will in the face of Overwhelming Temptation. Bravo!

  2. I think I know what Charles is bringing to Temptation Island: BISCUITS!!!
