
Local Three - biscuit temptation

(photo courtesy of cookingtwins.blogspot.com). On Saturday, as an early anniversary present, Charles and I signed up for the first-evah cooking class at Local Three, conducted by Chef Todd Mussman. Todd is from Boston, so the class was appropriately titled "Winnah Winnah Chicken Dinnah." The premise: everything you wanted to know about chicken. Todd is awesome, and we had a great time. As the class started out at 9am on a Saturday morning, we were offered water, coffee, bourbon, wine, whatever. We opted for coffee (served out of really cool handmade mugs, made by Todd's "Vermont hippie sister,") and then the pastry chef, Gary, brought this plate out. Only difference is that in the middle of the still-hot biscuit platter there were two gorgeous globs of buttah. I almost felt rude abstaining, but we held strong. There were even gorgeous blueberry muffins brought out next, which again were lovely and oh-so-tempting. However, Todd did serve us some of his home smoked/cured bacon, which I'll take over a biscuit any day.

In the interest of full disclosure, we did have some wine with our roasted chicken (and the chicken had this awesome truffle butter stuffed between the skin and meat), and a small cocotte of the chicken pot pie - while crustless - which did have some flour in the roux. Not sure the upset stomach all day Saturday was worth it.

If you have not been to Local Three yet, and you've not tried their Brussels sprouts, I have it under good authority that they are coming off the menu soon. The good news about Local Three is that there are so many things you can be proud of eating that are not paleo offenses!


  1. Wow... it takes a lot of will power to pass up hot buttered biscuits on a Saturday morning!

  2. @Atlanna - everything I've tried from this place has been outstanding, so I knew that these biscuits were likely some of the best in Atlanta. I was pretty proud of us for not giving in. But I'm gonna bet they were dayummmm good.

  3. For the record, I had TWO orders of the brussels sprouts when I went to local three. HOW COULD THEY TAKE THEM OFF THE MENU?!?!?!?!? I am distraught.

  4. Note my pic from dinner on 3/9/11--that's my DELICIOUS hangar steak at Local Three. It was seriously awesome.

  5. Drew, I'm with you on the sadness factor of them coming off the menu. It's all to do with seasonality, as technically they are coming out of season now.
