
Great American Cookie Co

Great idea on this blog guys...

Went to the mall today with a few friends. We stopped by the cookie co to get a drink and to my dismay my friends got cookies as well. I have never wanted a snicker doodle more in my life. I felt myself about to crack so I went across the way to Macy's. Avoided the cookie but could not avoid a shiny new pair of sunglasses.


  1. Good choice! Shopping is way better for you than American Cooke Co... although if I had to choose the manner of my own execution, it would probably be Death by Double Doozie.

  2. My achilles heel is the stupid SAMPLES at GACC. I mean, it doesn't hurt if you have a sliver of a cookie, right? I used to go to GACC every time I was at the mall to get my signature "Large Diet Coke with a splash of Cherry Coke and light ice."
    I don't do that any more as it's been nearly two years since I kicked my 1/2 gallon a day diet coke habit thanks to the BTB 90! :)
