
No (Birthday) Cake for You!! (err...me)

So my girlfriend at work surprised me with an "early" Birthday cake! It was uber sweet of her, especially since everything was homemade! It was her version of a green velvet cake! She is well aware of my eating habits but that didn't stop her or the rest of my co-workers diving into all that deliciousness......and that folks, is what I didn't eat!


  1. Day-ummm!!! Turning down your own birthday cake is pretty epic... you should get a prize for that. I'll email Melissa. ;)

  2. Seriously! As a side note, couldn't she have made you a paleo apple crisp or something? :)

  3. There was a whole lotta will power involved in that! =) She has this great recipe for toasted, spiced, with a little drizzle of honey, nut mix which I have yet to see =/ -- that would've been way better than to have to sit there and watch everyone eating their "glutenified" (like that word, right?! LOL) sliver of cake!

  4. I would't blame you if you ate a slice of your own birthday cake. There's no such thing as cheating with what you eat on your birthday! (I'd make the slice small, though.)
