
Inca Kola and Picarones (Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Doughnuts)

I had to fight off temptation-HARD- this past weekend while visiting my family in NY! I was able to prove to myself just how dedicated I am to the BTB45! I'm not saying I've been a saint--I mean anyone can look at my evernote log and note my tequila cheats! (Pineapple infused tequila is my downfall!) I digress...back to the yumminess at hand...my parents and I went out to eat one evening at a local Peruvian eatery in NJ--they serve some of the best anticuchos, choncholi, pollo a la brasa, etc...around those parts! Before Paleo, my meal would consist of a any of the aforementioned items, with fries, Inca cola (best soda ever!) and for dessert, my own plate of picarones! Picarones are ADDICTIVE! They are my crack! They are this fried doughy goodness with a spicy sweet flavor that is dipped in a uber sweet syrup! OMG!! The taste is just something that is indescribable! Eating these always brought back childhood memories-especially since my Grandmother used to make these suckers, by hand, at family gatherings. My grandmother passed away a few years ago, but I was fortunate enough to learn her cooking secrets and have made these for my family--tastes just the way my abuelita (grandmother) used to make them! After finishing my plate of organ meat and salad, my parents decided to share a plate of picarones =(...oh how I almost crossed the darkside. But I stood strong and rejected my mother (multiple times) as she almost forced fed me this gluten bomba! It was truly difficult--you don't know how persuasive my mother can be. Needless to say, my parents enjoyed eating their picarones as I sat their drinking my water. Love you Mom&Dad ;)! (in one of the pics, you can see my father poking fun as he was about to devour his first picarone!)

Smells so right but feels so wrong

I smelled them before I saw them... the aroma actually made me turn around before I could even think about it... mini cinnamon rolls hot from the oven at Trader Joe's little sample area.

You smell like heaven my tiny little gluten-bomb frenemies, but I'm really not interested in what you have to offer today.


Work Candy

Catered lunch presentation: teh ahwsum science

Grilled chicken breast over spring greens w/ pesto vinaigrette: nomnomnom

Herb rolls, sun chips, cookies, sodas: meh, no thx

Fun size pb m&m's: WANT NOW. Oh, thanks but I'll just have a little fruit salad.


Parish Cookie Bar...Really?

Our office took a "retreat" to Parish this afternoon.

I seemingly forgot about the entire plethora of delicious baked goods.  BUT...I managed to come out of there with a simply turkey cobb salad and americano.

The guilt didn't seem worth it!


Chocolate Math

[(crunch-tastic shell + euphoria-inducing chocolate blast)(childhood nostalgia)^(free * giant bowl)] + gluten free + custom colors = superhard to pass up!

Thin Mints:
[(velvety chocolate coat * mint-splosion) + satisfying crispitude]/[(gluten gut punch^girl scout conspiracy theories) - free] = not as hard to pass up.

Free Waffle House Waffle

Today I ordered 3 eggs and sausage at Waffle House. Shortly after they brought out my food, they brought me an extra waffle they had cooked up. I generally don't like waffles very much, but I love Waffle House waffles. I turned it down and the server saw the look of despair on my face. I then explained the Paleo diet challenge, which they seemed to think was pretty neat.

This isn't the waffle they brought me, but it's a picture of an equally delicious Waffle House waffle.


South City Kitchen's Cornbread and Biscuits

There was a time in my life when I selected a restaurant largely on the basis of whether they had a bread basket (it's good value, right?).  Poor Law Student habits die hard.  One restaurant whose bread basket I deeply loved was South City Kitchen.  Getting those warm, delicious, fresh baked biscuits and cornbread and slathering them with butter (mmmm, butter) was the highlight of the meal.
Today I visited South City and ate carrot and beet soup while my companions ate the bread.  Have to say, I only missed the bread just a littttttttttttttle bit. :)


Work Cake 2.0

66.667% Don't wanna. 100% Not gonna.

Retreating...but not towards the plethora of crap available

This weekend marked the return of associates to our law firm retreat.  For the uninitiated, this is a booze-filled, bad food extravaganza.  Our firm actually has a cocktail hour featuring (and I quote) "light hors d'ouevres and heavy alcohol."   Needless to say, said alcohol was accompanied by trays of no good processed crap.  Instead of capitulating and having 6 martinis topped off with a pound of goldfish crackers (as I did at our last retreat), I stuck with sparkling water with lime.  I even stuck a red cocktail straw in it so people would think I was drinking.  At dinner, I skipped the masked potatoes accompanying my steak and the bread basket.  I also fished the croutons and cheese out of my french onion soup.  for my last trick, I skipped the giant slab of carrot cake for dessert.
As if avoiding crap all night Friday and all day Saturday wasn't hard enough, we had a birthday dinner for my mother in law at Miller Union.  I did not eat the bread and I did not indulge in the butterscotch ice cream with homemade marshmallows (yummmmm).  I did, hoeever, consume all the delicious greenery and pork products in the picture accompanying this post. 
Avoiding temptation was TASTY.



Baby shower buffet! Fortunately, there were plenty of tasty paleo-friendly items... but there were also some ohsotempting croissants! Generally bread is supereasy for me to pass up... but croissants are less like bread and more like pillowy, chewy, delicious, french butter clouds. *sigh*

Then there was the Mimosa/Bloody Mary table. WANT. My goal is 30 days no drinking... it's only been a week and a half! Day-um.

Obligatory alluring fluffy cake was served. Part of me wanted to lick the icing, the rest of me drank a La Croix.
Aaannnd beautifully wrapped chocolate party favor... eschewed. But you know what? I've been feeling so good lately that even buttery french heaven pastries and inches of frosting nirvana and ounces of alcoholic yum don't really seem all that worth it. I think. ;)


Grocery Store Troubles

I was in the store last night looking for a healthy dinner choice when I passed the Easter candy isle. My drrrrty secret is that I LOVE peeps & even better when peeps are covered in chocolate.

That is what I wanted so hard to didn't eat.

Anything but black coffee

This morning I woke up and was craving a Starbucks coffee (not the plain kind either). Something containing sugar and a lot of milk like a latte or mocha or anything but black coffee....Instead I made green tea. It wasn't free cake or chicken biscuits but I definitely miss the occasional morning Starbucks coffee!

Chick-Fil-A Chicken Biscuit

Eh, it wasn't the end of the world, but someone walked into work this morning with a piping hot box of innumerable Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuits. Not something I crave all the time but they smelled nice and they were FREE. I love free office food. But not this time.


No (Birthday) Cake for You!! (err...me)

So my girlfriend at work surprised me with an "early" Birthday cake! It was uber sweet of her, especially since everything was homemade! It was her version of a green velvet cake! She is well aware of my eating habits but that didn't stop her or the rest of my co-workers diving into all that deliciousness......and that folks, is what I didn't eat!

Doctor WHAT?!

Hey there, sexy. So, here I am, stuck working at home, feelin' kinda drowsy and wishing for something tasty and refreshing to pick me up. You've always been my number one choice for caffeinated goodness...

But that was before all these studies came out linking artifical sweeteners with increased hunger and calorie intake and disrupted neural and behavioral responses, with one addiction study even concluding that "the absolute preference for taste sweetness may lead to a re-ordering in the hierarchy of potentially addictive stimuli, with sweetened diets... taking precedence over cocaine" (Lenoir, PLoS One, 2007).

Holy gawd I do NOT need that in my life right now. You're no good for me and that's why I'm giving you the cold shoulder. Peace.


blue willow inn

had birthday lunch for mom at blue willow inn :(

out of 30+ items, only 3 were paleo friendy :(. but i stayed strong. i avoided the peach cobbler, chocolate cake, ice cream, chocolate pie, coconut cake, macaroni n cheese, pasta dishes, cornbread, biscuits ( i repeat...... BISCUITS!!!!..... BISCUITS DAMMIT!!!!!!), candied yams, blondies, pecan pie, mash potatoes, lemonade, sweet tea, corn ....... all was this was laid out in an all you can eat buffet.

i think i deserve a medal

I left my heart in Margaritaville

Everyone knows how much I'm into you and I know that I could have you if I really wanted to... but not tonight, darling, not tonight.

Work cake, why do you taunt me?

Another dissertation defense party, another sugar coma temptation avoided.

Brunch Madness

So, at the beginning of my weekend I thought my biggest challenge would be going out to a birthday dinner with 16 of my friends Saturday night. That was a breeze compared to what I encountered on Sunday afternoon at my in-laws house. They had prepared "brunch" to celebrate my husband's birthday.

The brunch items were as follows:
Belgian Waffles, Donuts, Sausage Balls, Hashbrown Casserole, Biscuits, Cheese Grits, Egg, Cheese & Sausage Quiche and FRUIT!!!!!!! Thank goodness for the fruit!!!!

Oh, and it isn't a birthday celebration without cake and ice cream. I passed on that also.

Thank goodness for this challenge~I don't think I could have passed on some of those things without it!

Local Three - biscuit temptation

(photo courtesy of cookingtwins.blogspot.com). On Saturday, as an early anniversary present, Charles and I signed up for the first-evah cooking class at Local Three, conducted by Chef Todd Mussman. Todd is from Boston, so the class was appropriately titled "Winnah Winnah Chicken Dinnah." The premise: everything you wanted to know about chicken. Todd is awesome, and we had a great time. As the class started out at 9am on a Saturday morning, we were offered water, coffee, bourbon, wine, whatever. We opted for coffee (served out of really cool handmade mugs, made by Todd's "Vermont hippie sister,") and then the pastry chef, Gary, brought this plate out. Only difference is that in the middle of the still-hot biscuit platter there were two gorgeous globs of buttah. I almost felt rude abstaining, but we held strong. There were even gorgeous blueberry muffins brought out next, which again were lovely and oh-so-tempting. However, Todd did serve us some of his home smoked/cured bacon, which I'll take over a biscuit any day.

In the interest of full disclosure, we did have some wine with our roasted chicken (and the chicken had this awesome truffle butter stuffed between the skin and meat), and a small cocotte of the chicken pot pie - while crustless - which did have some flour in the roux. Not sure the upset stomach all day Saturday was worth it.

If you have not been to Local Three yet, and you've not tried their Brussels sprouts, I have it under good authority that they are coming off the menu soon. The good news about Local Three is that there are so many things you can be proud of eating that are not paleo offenses!

Figo's Funghi Pasta

Although I'm not part of the BTB45 program, I am successfully addicted to controlling what goes into my mouth (and I am gluten-free) - so we have much in common.

This here is what I avoided last night at Figo - the Funghi pasta. I avoided temptation at Figo for a long time because they didn't have a gluten-free pasta - well my butt is thankful they have recently added this baby to the menu (picture via atlantaboy.com).

Great American Cookie Co

Great idea on this blog guys...

Went to the mall today with a few friends. We stopped by the cookie co to get a drink and to my dismay my friends got cookies as well. I have never wanted a snicker doodle more in my life. I felt myself about to crack so I went across the way to Macy's. Avoided the cookie but could not avoid a shiny new pair of sunglasses.


Childhood Memories

I actually didn't have a craving to run to the ice-cream truck! So thats positive news I guess :)

Bruster's Ice Cream

Was at Kroger in Brookhaven and saw a friend at Bruster's indulging themselves on their wonderfully delicious ice cream. I am partial to Mint Chocolate Chip. As much as I love Bruster's Ice Cream, I had the discipline to not eat any - Yay for me!

Minty Werther's and race treats

At Massage Envy, they always have a bowl of Werther's candies mixed with peppermint lifesavers. This results in Werther's that taste vaguely minty and gross, but I usually eat them anyway--just because they are there, right?  Today, no Werther's.

Also, this morning there were a plethora of non-paleo samples and snacks (Great Harvest Bread, anyone??) calling to me as I volunteered for the Shamrock and Roll Road Race. I decided to forego the treats and go to the gym.

Result?  New jerk PR.  While I can't say my PR on the WOD was a result of skipping snacks, it's fair to say I don't need them to set a PR. :)

Stay strong on this beautiful day, BTB45ers.


Panera Bread: A Smorgasbord of No-Nos

I love all things Panera. The 45 does not. Restraint was never so tasty. :)



Parting is such nonnutritive sweet sorrow...

Dear Gum, I know that it's only been a few days, but I already miss you so much! We were together for so long, I'm still not quite sure what to do without you. I hope it's not lonely in that dark drawer at work. Hugs! Anna